{{ node.description|markdown|raw }}
{% for tagList in node.tags %}
{% for tag in tagList if tag.name not in ['method', 'property']%}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{{ tag.name }}
{% if tag.type %}
{{ tag.type|route|join('|')|raw }}
{% endif %}
{% if (tag.name == "since" or "deprecated") %}
{{ tag.version }}
{% endif %}
{{ tag.description|markdown|raw }}
{% set specialMethods = node.magicMethods ? node.inheritedMethods.merge(node.magicMethods) : node.inheritedMethods %}
{% for method in node.methods.merge(specialMethods)|sort_asc %}
{{ method.summary ?: method.name }}
{{ method.name }}({% for argument in method.arguments %}{{ argument.types ? argument.types|join('|')~' ' }}{{ argument.byReference ? '&' }}{{ argument.name }}{{ argument.default ? ' = '~argument.default }}{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}) {{ method.response.types ? ': '~method.response.types|join('|') }}
{% if method.parent.name != node.name %}inherited{% endif %}
{% if method.static %}static{% endif %}
{% if method.final %}final{% endif %}
{% if method.abstract %}abstract{% endif %}
{% if method.tags.api is defined %}api{% endif %}
{% include 'method.html.twig' with {'method': method} %}
{% endfor %}
{% if node.constants.merge(node.inheritedConstants)|length > 0 %}
{% for constant in node.constants.merge(node.inheritedConstants) %}
{{ constant.summary ?: constant.name }}
{{ constant.name }}
{% if constant.parent.name != node.name %}inherited{% endif %}
{{ constant.description|markdown|raw }}
{% for tagList in constant.tags %}
{% endfor %}
{{ tagList.0.name }}
{% for tag in tagList %}
{{ tag.description|markdown|raw }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% set specialProperties = node.magicProperties ? node.inheritedProperties.merge(node.magicProperties) : node.inheritedProperties %}
{% if node.properties.merge(specialProperties)|length > 0 %}
{% for property in node.properties.merge(specialProperties) %}
{{ property.summary ?: property.var.0.description ?: property.name }}
{{ property.name }} : {{ property.types|join('|') }}
{% if property.parent.name != node.name %}inherited{% endif %}
{% if property.static %}static{% endif %}
{{ property.description|markdown|raw }}
{% for tagList in property.tags %}
{% endfor %}
{{ tagList.0.name }}
{% for tag in tagList %}
{{ tag.description|markdown|raw }}
{% endfor %}
{% if property.types and property.types|join() != 'void' %}
{{ property.types|route|join('|')|raw }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}